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Root Canal in Toronto

Our Root Canal Treatment Offers Immediate Relief From the Pain Caused By An Infected Tooth

About Our Root Canal Treatment

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?

  • Increased sensitivity to temperatures, both hot and cold
  • Severe pain in the tooth
  • Swelling or redness of the gums near the troubled tooth
  • Change in tooth colour
  • An abscess or gum boil

If so, you may have a diseased tooth that requires immediate treatment. Fortunately, our root canal therapy can save your tooth and alleviate your pain!

Over her 15+ year career, Dr. Iliana Paparisto has conducted hundreds of root canals for patients in Stockholm, Paris and Toronto. Her kind, gentle approach is designed to ensure your treatment is as painless as possible.

Dental Extractions Toronto
Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS, DMD

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the center of a tooth (the root canal system). It involves removing the damaged area of the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting it, and then filling and sealing it to prevent further infection.

Why Is It Necessary?

Simply put, when an infected tooth goes untreated, it will eventually lead to tooth loss. Once the tooth is lost, the impact on one's oral health is significant.

Effects of Tooth Loss:

  • Shifting teeth
  • Loss of bone in the jaw
  • Difficulty chewing and speaking

To avoid these undesirable effects to your oral health, a root canal is necessary to treat underlying infection or damage that exists within the tooth's pulp.

Is It Painful?

One major myth about root canals is their reputation for being extremely painful. But thanks to modern dentistry, and clinics that are equipped with advanced training and anesthesia, root canals can be a largely pain-free experience. While you might feel some discomfort initially, most patients find it manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol.

What Is the Root Canal Treatment Process?

A root canal treatment typically involves one or two visits to a dentist or endodontist. Below is an outline of how we perform the procedure:


An x-ray of the tooth and surrounding bone is initially conducted to identify the cause of symptoms, followed by the prescription of antibiotics to manage infection and inflammation, which helps alleviate the discomfort associated with an abscess during a root canal. This proactive approach aims to reduce the pressure and inflammation that contribute to pain during the procedure.


Root canal treatment typically begins with the administration of an anesthesia to numb your gums, teeth, and surrounding areas. Once numb, your dentist will create an access hole in the tooth to remove the pulp, bacteria, decayed nerve tissue, and debris.

Sealing The Tooth:

Once the infected area has been comprehensively cleaned and restored to health, the next step is to permanently seal the tooth.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost in Toronto?

For patients with standard insurance, the cost of a root canal in Toronto is typically $200 to $500. For patients without insurance, root canal treatment is generally $600 to $1200. Ultimately, root canal treatment costs vary depending on the factors listed below:

  • The severity of infection - a more infected tooth will require more time units and therefore a higher cost
  • The location of the infection within your mouth - some locations are more difficult to treat, requiring additional units
  • Any complications require additional time and specialization

To determine the cost of your own treatment, you will first need to book an oral examination. If you're not sure if you have coverage, most dental clinics are happy to contact your insurance provider for you.

How To Schedule A Root Canal Appointment:

Take the first step towards resolving your dental concerns by contacting us at 416-462-1211 or booking online. Have a question? Give us a call. Twogether Dental is here to guide you to a healthier, more comfortable smile.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are there any alternatives to root canal treatment?

Alternatives to root canal treatment depend on the condition of the tooth and the specific dental issue you're facing. Here are some common alternatives:

Tooth Extraction: This involves removing the tooth entirely. It's often considered when the tooth is too damaged or infected to save. After extraction, the missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant, bridge, or denture to restore function and aesthetics.

Pulp Capping: In cases where the dental pulp is not yet infected or the infection is very mild, a dentist might perform a direct or indirect pulp capping. This procedure involves covering the exposed pulp with a protective dressing to encourage healing and maintain the tooth's vitality.

Dental Implants: If a tooth is extracted or cannot be saved, dental implants are a popular alternative. An implant involves placing a metal post in the jawbone to act as a root, upon which a crown is then attached. Implants are durable and function like natural teeth but require a healthy jawbone and gums for placement.

Partial Dentures or Bridges: For missing teeth, partial dentures or bridges can be used as an alternative to implants. These devices can replace one or more missing teeth and are designed to blend in with your natural teeth, although they may not offer the same level of functionality or comfort as implants.

Preventive Measures: In some cases, if a root canal is suggested due to early signs of decay or infection, adopting rigorous oral hygiene practices, using fluoride treatments, and having regular dental checkups may help avoid the need for more invasive treatments. However, this is more about prevention than an alternative to a root canal for an already damaged or infected tooth.

Each of these alternatives has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on various factors, including the tooth's condition, patient health, and personal preferences. It's essential to discuss all available options with your dentist or endodontist to make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs.

Can I be prescribed an antibiotic instead of a Root Canal?

Using antibiotics instead of undergoing a root canal treatment is a topic that requires careful consideration. Antibiotics can be prescribed to help manage infection symptoms, especially if there's swelling or fever indicating a systemic infection. However, antibiotics on their own are not a definitive treatment for the root causes of dental issues that necessitate a root canal. Here’s why:

Temporary Solution: Antibiotics may temporarily reduce the infection and associated symptoms, but they do not address the underlying problem - the infected or dead pulp inside the tooth. Without removing the source of infection through a root canal or extraction, the infection is likely to return.

Ineffectiveness on Non-Living Tissue: The core issue in situations requiring a root canal is often within the dental pulp, which is a collection of blood vessels and nerves that have become infected or necrotic (dead). Antibiotics circulate through your bloodstream, but blood does not reach the inside of a dead tooth, making antibiotics ineffective at treating the actual source of the infection.

Antibiotic Resistance: Indiscriminate or inappropriate use of antibiotics can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It's crucial to use antibiotics only when necessary and in a manner that aligns with established medical guidelines to help prevent this global health issue.

Comprehensive Treatment: A root canal treatment aims to remove the infected or dead pulp, clean and disinfect the inside of the tooth, and then fill and seal it to prevent future infections. This process addresses both the symptoms and the cause of the problem, restoring the tooth's function while preventing the spread of infection.

In cases where the tooth's structure is compromised, or the infection is too severe, alternatives like tooth extraction followed by the placement of a dental implant, bridge, or denture might be considered. However, these alternatives come with their own sets of considerations and potential complications.

It's important to consult with a dental professional to understand the best course of action for your specific situation. They can assess the extent of the infection, the condition of the tooth, and your overall health to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

How long does a root canal take?

The duration of a root canal treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the specific tooth involved, and the dentist or endodontist performing the procedure. Here's a general breakdown:

Single Visit: Many root canal treatments can be completed in a single dental visit. These sessions typically last between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Simpler cases, such as those involving front teeth (which usually have only one root canal), tend to be quicker. The process involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the tooth, and then filling and sealing it.

Multiple Visits: More complex cases, such as molars that have multiple root canals with curved or complicated structures, may require additional visits. If the tooth is severely infected, the dentist might choose to apply medication inside the tooth and wait a week or two before completing the treatment. In such cases, the total time spent on the procedure can extend to 3 or more hours over two or more visits.

Factors Affecting Duration:
- Tooth Location: Molars are more time-consuming to treat because they have more roots and canals that may be difficult to navigate.
- Infection Severity: An extensive infection might require more time for cleaning and disinfection.
- Retreatment: If a tooth that has previously undergone a root canal requires retreatment, the process can take longer due to the presence of existing fillings and restorative materials.

Healing Time: After the procedure, some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort, which usually subsides within a few days. The tooth and surrounding gum area might feel sensitive or sore, but this is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

It's important to follow your dentist's aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. If a crown or other restoration is needed on the tooth, this will usually require an additional appointment after the root canal has been completed and the tooth has had time to heal.

Our Contact and Location Information

288b Danforth Ave Toronto, Ontario M4K 1N6